Fivestory Opens at the Brazilian Court
April 09th, 2024
The Brazilian Court Hotel, a staple in Palm Beach, Fl; opened Casa by Brazilian Court, an experiential luxury retail space within the historic property. Its first occupant is Fivestory, the New York-based women’s boutique owned by Karen Murray.
Courtney Schlesinger, owner of Brazilian Court, hatched the idea as a way to enhance the guest experience and approached her longtime friend FiveStory owner Karen Murray to be the first retailer to be featured. Karen Murray and Katherine Boulud hosted a “Sip and Shop” with guests including Michelle Worth who modeled for the photographer a few lovely dresses, Liz McDermott, Ramona Singer, Angela Page, Jenna Gerla, Laine Siklos, Aida Flamm, Jennifer Kinsman, Catherine Hart and friends.
Photo Credit: Annie Watt