Lenox Hill Neighborhood House
April 28th, 2022
A Garden of Earthly Delights!
Spring Gala Celebration to Benefit Lenox Hill Neighborhood House
On April 28th, Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, one of New York’s premier nonprofits, hosted its annual Spring Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street. The dazzling event welcomed 500 guests around breathtaking tablescapes by 43 designers to celebrate and raise funds for thousands in need.
The black-tie evening honored Elizabeth Munson and presented the Elizabeth Rohatyn Awards for Community Service to Marian Detelj and Lila Gimbel. Thomas Edelman and Wilkinson Global Asset Management were Dinner Sponsors; additional corporate support from Citigroup, Fried Frank, Lauracea, Rockefeller Capital Management, and more. A preview and cocktails were followed by dinner, live music, and dancing, with powerful remarks from Board Chair Juan Sabater, Executive Director Warren Scharf, and Honoree and Board Member Elizabeth Munson.