MoMA – The Museum of Modern Art

11 W 53rd St.

New York, NY 10019

The Museum of Modern Art, New York, United States, is an art museum devoted to the modern era. Located at Midtown of Manhattan.

The Starry Night is a famous painting because it’s a masterpiece that’s had a huge impact on culture and art. The Starry Night was painted at the Saint Paul de Mausole in France. This painting has captivated and confused people over 134 years. The Starry Night is based on Van Gogh’s direct observation as well as his imagination. Vincent Van Gogh’s The Starry Night could be worth between $200 million and $1 billion if it were sold today.

Amadeo Modigliani is best known as a painter before his death at the age of 35. He also created impressive sculptures in paintings.

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