World Affairs Council - 10/27/20
October 27th, 2020
On Tuesday, October 27, 2020, The World Affairs Council of Palm Beach opened its 8th season at The Colony Palm Beach. Hamlet Yousef addressed an engaged audience who followed all COVID safety protocols with masks and safe distancing. Yousef discussed Manhattan Project 2.0: Geopolitical Trends Shaping the 21st Century- Disruptive Technologies & the Need for Government & Private Sector Cooperation to Address the Looming China Challenge. He noted that the most important AI/Cyber innovation will originate in the private sector.
Photo Captions
1. Event Speaker – Hamlet Yousef
2. CEO of WAC Palm Beach – Celeste Simon
3. Social Distancing being observed by all WAC members and guests
4. Lou and Sue Ritchie with Hamlet Yousef
5. Hamlet Yousef and Celeste Simon